Computer Science Education in Israel and in the World: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Preparation, with Noa Ragonis, Faculty of Computer Science, Technion, November 15, 2016.
The ecosystem of computer science education in Israel: Possible implications for NYC, Talk at Cornell Tech, May 11, 2016.
Refereed papers in professional journals
- Frorer, P., Hazzan, O. and Manes, M. (1997). Revealing the faces of abstraction, International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 2(3), pp. 217-228.
- Hazzan, O. (2001). On the presentation of Computer Science problems, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 33(4), pp. 55-58.
- Hazzan, O. (2002). The reflective practitioner perspective in software engineering education, The Journal of Systems and Software 63(3), pp. 161-171.
- Hazzan, O. (2003). How students attempt to reduce abstraction in the learning of mathematics and in the learning of computer science, Computer Science Education 13(2), pp. 95-122.
- Hazzan, O. (2003). Application of computer-science ideas to the presentation of mathematical theorems and proofs, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2), pp. 38-41.
- Hazzan, O. (2003). Reducing abstraction when learning computability theory, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST) 22(2), pp. 95-117.
- Lapidot, T. and Hazzan, O. (2003). Methods of Teaching Computer Science course for prospective teachers, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 35(4), pp. 29-34.
- Hadar, I. and Hazzan, O. (2004). On the contribution of UML diagrams to software system comprehension, Journal of Object Technology 3(1), pp. 143-156.
- Hazzan, O. and Lapidot, T. (2004). Construction of a professional perception in the “Methods of Teaching Computer Science” course, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 36(2). pp. 57-61. (Complementary website)
- Hazzan, O. and Lapidot, T. (2004). The practicum in computer science education: Bridging gaps between theoretical knowledge and actual performance, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 36(4), pp. 47-51.
- Hazzan, O., Levy, D. and Tal, A. (2005). Electricity in the palms of her hands – The perception of Electrical Engineering by outstanding female high school pupils, IEEE Transactions on Education 48(3), pp. 402-412.
- Hazzan, O. and Hadar, I. (2005). Reducing abstraction when learning Graph Theory, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 24(3), pp. 255-272.
- Hazzan, O. and Tomayko, J. (2005). Reflection and abstraction processes in the learning of the human aspects of Software Engineering, IEEE Computer 38(6), pp. 39-45.
- Hazzan, O. (June 2005). The professional development of female software engineers, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 37(2), pp. 75-79.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2005). A Framework for teaching software development methods, Computer Science Education 15(4), pp. 275-296.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (in press). Using a roles scheme to derive software project quality, Journal of System Architecture.
- Lapidot, T. and Hazzan, O. (2005). Song debugging: Merging content and pedagogy in Computer Science education, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin, 37(4), pp. 79-83.
- Hazzan, O. and Karni, E. (2006). Similarities and differences in the academic education of software engineering and architectural design professionals, International Journal of Technology and Design Education 16(3), pp. 285-306.
- Hazzan, O. and Lapidot, T. (2006). Social issues of Computer Science in the “Methods of Teaching Computer Science in the High School” course, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 38(2), pp. 72-75.
- Armoni, M., Gal-Ezer, J. and Hazzan, O. (2006). Reductive thinking in computer science, Computer Science Education 16(4), pp. 281 – 301.
- Teif, M. and Hazzan, O. (December 2006). Partonomy and taxonomy in object-oriented thinking: Junior high school students’ perceptions of object-oriented basic concepts, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 38(4), pp. 55-60.
(A short Hebrew version of this paper is published in Machshva (Thought) – The Israeli Journal for High School Computer Science Teachers, January 2006, pp. 35-39). - Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2006).Using a role scheme to derive software project quality, Journal of System Architecture 52(11), pp. 693-699.
- Sagy, O. and Hazzan, O. (2007). Diversity in excellence fostering programs: The case of the informatics Olympiad, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 26(3), pp. 233-253.
- Stolin, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2007). Students’ understanding of Computer Science soft ideas: The case of programming paradigm, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 39(2), pp. 65-69.
- Eidelman, L. and Hazzan, O. (2008). Sectoral and gender-wise analysis of the choice of Computer Science studies in Israeli high schools, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 27(4), pp. 391-422.
A short Hebrew version of this paper is published in Machshva (Thought) – The Israeli Journal for High School Computer Science Teachers, January 2007, pp. 24-31 (part I) and June 2007, pp. 5-16 (part II). - Meerbaum–Salant, O. and Hazzan, O. (2008). Challenges in mentoring software development projects in the high school: Analysis according to Shulman’s teacher knowledge base model, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 28(1), pp. 23-43.
- Hadar, I., Sherman, S. and Hazzan, O. (2008). Learning human aspects of collaborative software development, Special issue on Collaborative and Social Aspects of Software Development, JISE – Journal of Information Systems Education 19(3), pp. 311-318.
- Hazzan, O. (2008). Reflections on teaching abstraction and other soft ideas, inroads – the SIGCSE Bulletin 40(2), pp. 40-43.
- Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2009). Integrating a tutoring model into the training of prospective Computer Science teachers, The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST) 28(3), pp. 309-339.
Barzilay, O., Hazzan, O. and Yehudai, A. (2009). A multidimensional Software Engineering course, IEEE Transactions on Education 52(3), pp. 413-424. - Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2009). A tutoring model for promoting the pedagogical-disciplinary skills of prospective teachers, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 17(1), pp. 67 – 82.
- Meerbaum–Salant, O. and Hazzan, O. (2010). An agile constructionist mentoring methodology for software projects in the high school, ACM Transactions on Computing Education – TOCE (former name: ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing – JERIC) 9(4).
A Hebrew version of this paper is published in Machshva (Thought) – The Israeli Journal for High School Computer Science Teachers, January 2009, pp. 6-16. - Hazzan, O., Gal-Ezer, J. and Ragonis, N. (2010). How to establish a Computer Science teacher preparation program at your university? – The ECSTPP Workshop, ACM Inroads, pp. 35-39.
- Hazzan, O. (2010). Putting human aspects of software engineering in university curricual, Career development column, IEEE Software 27(4), pp. 90-91.
- Waks, S., Trotskovsky, E., Sabag, N. and Hazzan, O. (2011). Engineering thinking: The experts’ perspective, International Journal of Engineering Education 27(4), pp. 838–851.
- Eidelman, L., Hazzan, O., Lapidot, T., Matias, Y., Raijman, D. and Segalov, M. (2011). Can a 2-hour visit to a hi-tech company increase interest in and change perceptions about computer science? ACM Inroads magazine 2(3), 64-70.
- Trotskovsky, E., Waks, S., Sabag, N. and Hazzan, O. (2013). Students’ misunderstandings and misconceptions in engineering thinking, International Journal of Engineering Education 29(1), pp. 107–118.
- Pikas, E., Sacks, R. and Hazzan, O. (2013). Building information modeling education for construction engineering and management: Procedures and implementation – Case study, ASCE’s Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(11), CID: 05013002, (doi:
- Kon, F., Cukier, D., Melo, C., Hazzan, O. and Yuklea, H. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Software Startup Ecosystems: the case of Israel. Technical Report RT-MAC-2015-01, June 2015.
- Gero, A. and Hazzan, O. (2016). Training scientists and engineers as science and engineering teachers: The motivational factors of enrollees in the Views program, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 14(3), pp. 374-379.
- Hazzan, O. and Kramer, J. (2016). Assessing abstraction skills: What makes a good question?, Communications of the ACM 59(12), pp. 43-45.
- Talmi, I., Hazzan, O. and Katz, R. (2018). Intrinsic Motivation and 21st Century Skills in an Undergraduate Engineering Project: The Case of the Formula Student Project, Higher Education Studies 8(4), pp. 46-58.
- Ragonis, N., Hazzan, O. and Har-Shai, G. (2020). Students’ awareness to and embracement of soft skills by learning and practicing teamwork, Journal of Information Technology Education – Innovations in Practice (JITE-IIP), Volume 19, pp. 185-201,
- Gero, A., Shekh-Abed, A. and Hazzan, O. (2020). Interrelations between systems thinking and abstract thinking: The case of high-school electronics students, European Journal of Engineering Education.
- Shekh-Abed, A., Hazzan, O. and Gero, A. (2021). Promoting systems thinking and abstract thinking in high-school electronics students: Integration of dedicated tasks into project-based learning. International Journal of Engineering Education 37(4), pp. 1080–1089.
Book Chapters
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2007). Teaching agile software development quality assurance, the Agile Software Development Quality Assurance book, Edited by Stamelos, I. and Sfetsos, P., pp. 171-184, Idea Group Inc.
- Blum, L., Frieze, C., Hazzan, O and Dias, B. (2007). Culture and environment as determinants of women’s participation in computing, Reconfiguring the Firewall: Recruiting Women to Information Technology across Cultures and Continents, in C. J. Burger, E. G. Creamer and P.S. Meszaros (editors), pp. 109-133, A K Peters, Ltd.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2007). Action research in software engineering: Using a 3D analogy to analyze the implementation of agile software development in software teamwork, Computer Software Engineering Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 11-44.
- Hazzan, O. and Tomayko, J. (2008). Tasks in software engineering education: The case of a human aspects of software engineering course, Software Engineering: Effective Teaching and Learning Approaches and Practices (Ellis, H. J. C., Demurjian, S. A. and Naveda, J. F. – eds.), Idea Group, pp. 61-73.
- Hazzan, O and Dubinsky, Y. (2018). Practices of Agile Educational Environments: Analysis from the Perspective of Public, Private and the Third Sectors, in Parsons, D. and MacCallum, K. (Eds). Agile and Lean Concepts for teaching and Learning – Bringing Methodologies from Industry to the Classroom, Springer, pp.47-61.
- Hazzan, O., Nativ-Ronen, E. and Umansky, T. (2019). A Gender Perspective on Computer Science Education in Israel, in Frieze, C. and Quesenberry, J. L. (Eds.). Cracking the Digital Ceiling: Women in Computing Around the World, Cambridge University Press, pp. 90-103. DOI:
Refereed papers in conferences proceedings
- Hazzan, O. (2001). Teaching the human aspect of software engineering – A case study, The Proceedings of the Thirty Second SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Charlotte, NC, USA, pp.124-128.
- Hazzan, O. (2001). The application of reflective practitioner perspective to software engineering, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, Bournemouth, England, pp. 237-248.
- Hazzan, O. (2002). Reducing abstraction level when learning computability theory concepts, Proceedings of The seventh Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2002), Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 156-160.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2002). Improvement of software quality: Introducing extreme programming into a project-based course, Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Jerusalem, Israel, Volume I, pp. 8-12
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2003). Teaching a Software Development Methodology: The Case of Extreme Programming, The proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Madrid, Spain, pp. 176-184.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2003). Bridging cognitive and social chasms in software development using Extreme Programming, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Genova, Italy, pp. 47-53.
- Hazzan, O. (2003). Computer Science students’ conception of the relationship between reward (grade) and cooperation, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2003), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 178-182.
- Hazzan, O. (2003). Cognitive and social aspects of Software Engineering: A course framework, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2003), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 3-6.
- Hazzan, O. and Tomayko, J. (2003). The reflective practitioner perspective in eXtreme Programming, Proceedings of the XP Agile Universe 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, pp. 51-61.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2003). eXtreme Programming as a framework for student-project coaching in computer science capstone courses, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software – Science, Technology & Engineering, Herzelia, Israel, pp. 53-59.
- Hazzan, O. and Tomayko, J. E. (2004). Reflection processes in the teaching and learning of human aspects of software engineering, Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2004), Norfolk, Virginia, USA, pp. 32-38.
- Hazzan, O. and Tomayko, J. E. (2004). Human aspects of Software Engineering: The case of Extreme Programming, Fifth International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2004). Roles in Agile Software Development Teams, Fifth International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2004). Using a roles scheme to derive software project metrics, QUantitative TEchniques for SoftWare Agile Processes workshop, Proceedings (and selected for the Post-Proceedings) of SIGSOFT 2004, Newport Beach, CA, USA.
- Eidelman, L. and Hazzan, O. (2005) Factors influencing the Shrinking Pipeline in high schools: A sector-based analysis of the Israeli high school System, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2005 – The 36th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, St. Louise, Missouri, USA, pp. 406-410.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2005). Social Perspective of Software Development Methods: The Case of the Prisoner Dilemma and Extreme Programming, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Sheffield University, UK, 74-81.
- Dubinsky, Y., Hazzan, O. and Keren, A. (2005). Introducing Extreme Programming into a Software Project at the Israeli Air Force, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Sheffield University, UK, pp. 19-27.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinksy, Y. (2005). Clashes between culture and software development methods: The case of the Israeli hi-tech industry and Extreme Programming, Proceedings of the Agile 2005 Conference, IEEE computer society, Denver, Colorado, pp. 59-69.
- Hazzan, O., Dubinsky, Y., Eidelman, L., Sakhnini, V. and Teif, M. (2006). Qualitative research in Computer Science education, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2006 – The 37th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 408-412.
- Frieze, C., Hazzan, O., Blum, L. and Dias, M. B. (2006). Culture and environment as determinants of women’s participation in computing: Revealing the “Women-CS Fit”, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2006 – The 37th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 22-26.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2006). Teaching framework for software development methods, Poster presented at the ICSE Educator’s Track, Proceedings of ICSE (International Conference of Software Engineering), Shanghai, China, pp. 703-706.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2006). Can diversity in global software development be enhanced by agile software development?, Paper presented at the Global Software Development for the Practitioner workshop, Proceedings of ICSE (International Conference of Software Engineering), Shanghai, China, pp. 58-61.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2006). A cognitive perspective on software development methods: The case of extreme programming, Short paper, WISER 2006 – 2nd International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Research, Proceedings of ICSE (International Conference of Software Engineering) Conference, Shanghai, China, pp. 53-55.
- Armoni, M., Gal-Ezer, J. and Hazzan, O. (2006). Reductive thinking in undergraduate CS courses, Proceedings of ITiCSE – The Eleventh Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, University of Bologna, Italy, pp. 133 – 137.
- Talby, D., Hazzan, O., Dubinsky, Y. and Keren, A. (2006). Reflections on reflection in agile software development, Proceedings of the Agile 2005 Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, pp. 100-110.
- Eidelman, L. and Hazzan, O. (2007). Eccles’ Model of Achievement-Related Choices: The case of Computer Science studies in Israeli high schools, Proceedings of The 38th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Covington, Kentucky, USA, pp. 29-33.
- Hazzan, O., Gal-Ezer, J. and Blum, L. (2008). A model for high school Computer Science Education: The four key elements that make it!, Proceedings of The 39th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 281-285.
- Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2008). Disciplinary-pedagogical teacher preparation for pre-service Computer Science teachers: rational and implementation, Informatics in Secondary Schools – Evolution and Perspective – ISSEP 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5090/2008, pp. 253-264.
- Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2008). Tutoring model for promoting teaching skills of Computer Science prospective teachers, The 13th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education – ITiCSE 2008, Madrid, Spain, pp. 276 – 280.
- Seger, T., Hazzan, O. and Bar-Nahor, R. (2008). Agile orientation and psychological needs, self-efficacy, and perceived support: A two job-level comparison, Proceedings of the Agile 2008 Conference, Toronto, Canada, pp. 3-14.
- Barzilay, O., Hazzan, O. and Yehudai, A. (2009). Evaluation of a software engineering course by reflection, Proceedings of the Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference – ITiCSE 2009, Paris, France, pp. 273-277.
- Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2010). A reflective practitioner’s perspective on computer science teacher preparation, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools: Evolution and Perspective (ISSEP), Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 90-106.
- Ragonis, N., Hazzan, O. and Gal-Ezer, J. (2010). A survey of Computer Science teacher preparation programs in Israel tells us: Computer Science deserves a designated high school teacher preparation!, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2010 – The 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Milwaukee, WI, USA, pp. 401-405.
- Hazzan, O. and Dubinsky, Y. (2010). A HOT – Human, Organizational and Technological – framework for a Software Engineering course, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 32nd International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Cape Town, South Africa.
- Barzilay, O., Yehudai, A. and Hazzan, O. (2010) Developers attentiveness to example usage, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Human Aspects of Software Engineering, SPLASH 2010, Reno, Nevada, USA, Article No.: 2.
- Ragonis, N., Hazzan, O. and Gal-Ezer, J. (2011). A Study on attitudes and emphases in computer science teacher preparation, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2011 – The 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Dallas, Texas, USA, pp. 559- 564.
- Barzilay, O., Yehudai, A. and Hazzan, O. (2011). Using social media to study the diversity of example usage among professional developers, Proceedings of the New Ideas track, ESEC/FSE 2011 (The joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering), Szeged, Hungary, pp. 472-475.
- Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O. (2012). Software governance using retrospectives: A case study, The IEEE International Conference on Software – Science, Technology and Engineering – SwSTE’12, Herzlia, Israel, pp. 40-45.
- Trotskovsky, E., Sabag, N., Waks, S. and Hazzan, O. (2012). Students’ problem solving in electronics by using models, Proceedings of The International Conference on Engineering Education 2012 (ICEE 2012), Turku, Finland, pp. 290-295.
- Hazzan, O. and Har-shai, G. (2013). Teaching computer science soft skills as soft concepts, SIGCSE 2013 – The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Denver, CO, USA.
- Trotskovsky, E., Sabag, N., Waks, S., Hazzan, O. (2013). Students’ misunderstandings in project design activities in electronics, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education and Research – ICEER-2013, Marrakesh, Morocco, pp.1016-1023.
- Hazzan, O. and Ragonis, N. (2014). STEM teaching as an additional profession for scientists and engineers: The case of Computer Science education, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2014 – The 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 181-186.
- Hazzan, O. and Har-shai, G. (2014). Teaching and learning computer science soft skills using soft skills: The students’ perspective, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2014 – The 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 567-572.
- Gero, A. and Hazzan, O. (2016). Training scientists and engineers as science and engineering teachers: The motivational factors of enrollees in the Views program, 19th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 45th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Belfast, UK.
- Gero, A., Shekh-Abed, A. and Hazzan, O. (2019). Correlation between systems thinking and abstract thinking among high school students majoring in electronics, In M. E. Auer et al. (Eds.): ICL2019 – 22nd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, Intercontinental Bangkok, Thailand, AISC 1134, pp. 541–548, 2020.
- Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2019). What are computer science educators interested in? The case of SIGCSE conferences, In Pozdniakov S. and Dagienė V. (eds) Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics. ISSEP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11913. Springer, Cham. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in schools: Situation, evolution and Perspectives (ISSEP), Larnaca, Cyprus, pp. 28-40.
- Mike, K., Nemirovsky-Rotman, S. and Hazzan, O. (April 2020). Interdisciplinary education – The case of Bio Medical signal processing, Proceedings of the EDUCON2020 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, Porto, Portugal (on-line conference due to the Corona pandemic), 339-343.
- Mike, K., Hazan, T. and Hazzan, O. (November 2020). Equalizing Data Science Curriculum for Computer Science Pupils, Koli Calling – International Conference on Computing Education Research, Finland, Article No.: 20, Pages 1–5 (on-line conference due to the Corona pandemic)
- Perelman, R., Cohen, H. and Hazzan, O. (March 2021). The CS-orona Initiative: Fulfilling the Organizational Needs of Israeli High School Computer Science Teachers during the Corona Pandemic, Proceedings of SIGCSE 2021 – The 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Toronto, Canada, 732–738, (on-line conference due to the Corona pandemic)
- Mike, K., Hartal, G. and Hazzan, O. (April 2021). Widening the Shrinking Pipeline: The Case of Data Science, EDUCON2021 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, Vienna, Austria, pp.252 –261, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON46332.2021.9453924. (on-line conference due to the Corona pandemic)
- Hazzan, O. (May 2021). Exponential Competence of Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate Students, ICSE 2021 Joint Software Engineering Education and Training (JSEET) track, Madrid, Spain (on-line conference due to the Corona pandemic), pp. 105-109.
- Gero, A., Shekh-Abed, A. and Hazzan, O. (to be presented, 2021). Dedicated Assignments as a Means of Advancing Junior Students’ Systems Thinking and Abstract Thinking, ICL 2021 – International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, Dresden, Germany (a hybrid event due to the Corona pandemic).