2023, Spring Semester: Sabbatical, Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv.
2020, Spring Semester: Sabbatical, The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
2016, Spring Semester: Visiting Professor, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech, NYC
2017 – 2019: Dean of Undergraduate Studies
טקסי סיום
- 2017 Technion Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony מחוזר פ”ח
- 2018 Technion Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony מחזור פ”ט
- 2019 Technion Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony מחזור צ’
2014 – 2016: The Search Committee for Technion-wide Deans
2014 – 2019: The Library Committee
2013 – 2015: The Academic Development Committee
2011 – 2015: Head/Dean (from June 2015) Department/Faculty of Education in Science and Technology ראיון סיום כהונה
March 2013: Panelist: the American Technion Society (ATS) Presidential Forum, LA, USA, moderated by the Technion president on his vision for the future of the Technion as a global leader:
January 2013: Speaker tour for the American Technion Society
2012 – present: Senior Research Fellow, The Samuel Neaman Institute, Head of the Forum on Science and Technology Education
2011 – 2019: Member, Committee for the Promotion of the Status of Women at the Technion
2010 – to date: Member, The Interdepartmental Committee of System Engineering, Irwin and Joan Jacobs Graduate School.
2006 – 2008: Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
2005 – 2015: Member, steering committee of the Center for the Promotion of Teaching at the Technion.
2003 – 2006: Undergraduate studies coordinator, The Department of Education in Technology and Science
2000 – 2010: Member, The Technion ICT coordination committee (as the person in charge of the departmental communication and information technologies)
2001 – 2002: Member, The Technion steering committee for the integration of information and communication technologies in Technion teaching (VATAT project)
2000 – 2003: Member, the Technion committee for supervising the ethics of experiments with animals at the Technion
1999 – 2001: Consultant to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies on matters related to Information Technologies in Technion teaching
2018 – 2020 Member, World ORT Academic Advisory Council (AAC)
2017 – 2019 Member, Committee for the Examination of the Structure and Layout of Teacher Preparation in Israeli Higher Education Institutions, The Council for Higher Education (CHE)
2015 – present: Head, Board of Directors, BOSMAT STEAM-oriented municipal high-schools
2015 – present: Member, Committee of the High School Computer Science Subject, The Israeli Ministry of Education
2007 – 2010: Chair, Committee for the development of a new Israeli high school Computer Science curriculum, The Ministry of Education.
2001 – 2009: Head, ‘Tmura’ (‘Change’): A project for the promotion of computer science studies among female high-school students.
The project’s aim is to increase the percentage of female high-school students taking the highest-level matriculation exam in computer science.
2000 – to date: Team member, ‘Machshava’ (‘Thought’) – The national center of computer science teacher.
2000 – 2001: External evaluator, Mathematics education project at Ort – Network of science & technology-oriented high-schools and colleges.
The project’s goal was to improve pupils’ mathematical understanding and achievement through teamwork, alternative evaluation methods and teachers’ professional development.
1997 – 1998: Team member, ‘Kesher-Cham’ – The national center for the advancement, improvement, and enlivening of mathematics education.
2012 – 2014: Member, Advisory Board, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark
2007, 2010: Co-chair, Program Committee, SwSTE’07 – The IEEE International Conference on Software – Science, Technology and Engineering. (with Jeff Kramer)
2006 – 2007: Co-chair, Doctoral Consortium Discussant, SIGCSE – The Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
2003 – 2004: Computer Science Education Journal, Guest Editor together Vicki L. Almstrum and David Ginat, Special Issue on Import/Export Relationships to Computer Science Education Research, December 2004, Volume 15, Number 3.
2004 – 2005: Doctoral Consortium Discussant, SIGCSE – The Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2004, Norfolk, VA.
1991 – 1994: Research Assistant, Learning Abstract Algebra based on laboratory and cooperative learning approach, NSF sponsored project.
1988 – 1990: Research Assistant, Introduction to Computer Science: Curriculum development project, The Israeli Center for Science Education.
Editorial/Reviewer Board Member
2016 – to date Series co-editor, Texts in Computer Science, Springer (with David Gries, Cornell; Fred Schneider, Cornell)
Computer science and software engineering education: Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE); Journal of Systems and Software, Software: Practice and Experience; Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM); IEEE Software; IEEE Transactions on Education; International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT); IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics; The International Journal of Engineering Education; Information and Software Technology; Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction; Empirical Software Engineering; Computer
Mathematics education: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME); Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM); Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education; Canadian Journal of Science; Mathematics and Technology Education
Other journals: International Journal of Leadership in Education; International Journal of Doctoral Studies (IJDS); Educational Research and Evaluation; International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education; Studies in Higher Education
Additional editorial/evaluation/advisory activities
ISF – Israel Science Foundation; U.S. – Israel Binational Science Foundation; Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition; Israeli (National) Science Foundation; The Gender and IT Encyclopedia; The Annual Research Competition of the Chief Scientist, the Ministry of Education, Israel; Mathematics education project at Ort – Network of science & technology-oriented high-schools and colleges
International invited talks/keynotes
- 2014: Keynote at the Future-Oriented Innovative Education – Israel-Guangdong Elementary Education Summit: Innovation in STEM Education: The Case of the Israeli Ecosystem, Shenzhen, China
- April 2010: High school computer science teacher preparation: Key elements, structure and challenges, 5th Pan-Hellenic Conference in Didactics of Informatics (Computer Science Education), Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications, University of Athens, Athens, Greece (keynote)
- March 2009: Schön’s reflective practitioner perspective in CS/SE Education, Studio-Based Learning in Computing Education Workshop, A Workshop supported by the National Science Foundation, ACM SIGCSE 2009 Pre-Conference Activity, Chattanooga , Tennessee, USA (keynote)
- September 2006: Enhancing diversity: The case of gender diversity in computing, Multimedia Applications in Education Conference, the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria. (keynote)
- November 2005: Why Johnny can’t test: A cognitive analysis of testing, IBM Verification Conference 2005, IBM Research Lab, Haifa, Israel.
- November 2005: Culture and environment as determinants of women’s participation in computing, Special Event on Diversity in Science and Engineering, the Technical University in Vienna, Austria.
International Workshops/Tutorials
- March 2015: Special Session – Big Data in Computer Science Education Research, SIGCSE 2015 – The 46th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Kansas City, Missouri (with Cliff Shaffer)October 2009: Workshop – Human aspects of software engineering, OOPSLA 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA (with Yael Dubinsky)
- March 2015: Teaching Computer Science Soft Skills, SIGCSE 2015 – The 46th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Kansas City, Missouri (with Gadi Har-Shai)
- October 2010: Workshop – The 2nd Workshop on Human Aspects of Software Engineering (HAoSE2010), SPLASH 2010, Reno, Nevada, USA (with Yael Dubinsky, pp. 271-272)
- May 2010: Tutorial – Coaching agile software projects, ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (with Yael Dubinsky)
- August 2009: Tutorial – Playtesting in the game industry, Agile 2009 Conference, Chicago, USA (with Ron Carmel)
- August 2008: Refactoring of cultural smells – Tutorial, Agile 2008 Conference, Toronto, Canada (with Yael Dubinsky)
- June 2008: Agility in Education: Why and How, The International Conference on Agile Processes and eXtreme Programming in Software Engineering – XP2008, Limerick, Ireland. (with Yael Dubinsky)
- May 2008: ICSE08 Workshop: HCASE 2008: Human and cooperative aspects of software engineering, Leipzig, Germany. (with Li-Te Cheng, Cleidson de Souza, Yvonne Dittrich, Michael John, Frank Maurer, Helen Sharp, Janice Singer, Susan Elliot Sim, Jonathan Sillito, Margaret-Anne Storey, Bjørnar Tessem, Gina Venolia)
- May 2008: ICSE08 Workshop: The role of abstraction in software engineering, Leipzig, Germany. (with Jeff Kramer)
Workshop URL: - August 2007: Achieving cooperation in agile software development environments by binding the individual and the team interests, Agile 2007 Conference, Washington DC, USA. (with Yael Dubinsky)
- March 2007: Teaching Human Aspects of Software Engineering, SIGCSE 2007 – The 38th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Covington, Kentucky, USA
- June 2006: Hands-on Teaching Agile Development, The 7th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Oulu, Finland. (with Yael Dubinsky)
- May 2006: ICSE06 Workshop: The Role of Abstraction in Software Engineering: Organizational, Managerial and Cognitive Perspectives, Shanghai, China. (with Jeff Kramer)
- March 2006: Abstraction – is it teachable, SIGCSE 2006 – The 37th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Houston, Texas, USA. (with Jeff Kramer)
- July 2005: Hands-On Teaching Agile Programming Tutorial, Agile 2005 Conference, Denver, Colorado. (with Yael Dubinsky)
Membership in Professional Societies
- ACM (The Association for Computing Machinery)
- SIGCSE (ACM Special Interest Group of Computer Science Education)
- PPIG (Psychology of Programming Interest Group)
- AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)